
Friday, 14 October 2011

MOPAN 2012 Call for Papers

The MOPAN conference series focusses on partnerships, alliances and networks between any combination of business actors, civil society actors and governmental actors. The Call for Papers for the MOPAN 2012 Conference at Wageningen is now available at

The 2012 Conference Theme is "Multi-actor collaboration in an uncertain and ambiguous world".

We invite papers and other contributions (symposia, workshops, games, videos, …) related to the conference theme or one of the thematic tracks:

Track 1. Dealing with frame diversity in collaborative water governance
Track 2. Towards Version 2.0 of Multi-Stakeholder Initiatives: Rethinking business-NGO- government relationships in governing sustainable production of global commodities
Track 3. Power in multi-stakeholder processes for development
Track 4. Facilitating resilience in multi-actor collaboration
Track 5. Innovation networks: self-organization and adaptive management
Track 6. Stakeholder involvement in the United Nations
Track 7. Network Dynamics
Track 8. Complexity leadership and sustainable development
Track 9. Multi-actor pilot projects and policy experiments
Track 10. Global Action Networks

Please outline your contribution in an abstract of maximum 500 words and send it to, indicating whether you submit it to the general conference or to one of the thematic tracks. 

Important dates

Deadline for submission of abstracts: January 15
Notification of acceptance: March 15
Registration open: March 15
Early registration deadline: May 1st
Deadline Full papers: May 15
Final registration deadline: June 15

Monday, 11 July 2011

MOPAN 2012 at Wageningen University

The 19th Annual Conference on Multi-Organisational Partnerships, Alliances and Networks (MOPAN 2012) will take place from July 2nd – 4th 2012 at Wageningen University (Netherlands). A conference website will be on-line soon at

Thanks to the Strathclyde Business School for MOPAN 2011!

This year's small but vibrant edition of the MOPAN conference organized by Pam Hearne at the Strathclyde Business School had a lot to offer for adepts of multi-organisational partnerships, alliances and networks. With contributions from the health sector to the construction sector, cases from India to Panama and work forms from keynotes to workshops, the conference was very enjoyable. We had papers and an improvised workshop on the location and forms of leadership in inter-organizational collaboration. A theory workshop led by Steve Cropper led to animated discussions about the nature and value of ancient, modern, symbolic-interpretive and postmodern theoretical contributions to the study of inter-organizational relations. Sandra Schruijer introduced us to the psychodynamics of inter-organizational collaboration and the role of fear (fear of taking the lead, fear of loosing power, fear of rejection, etc.). Invited speaker Nic Beech entertained us with an analysis of organising practices in the creative industries of folk and classical music. A number of people (including PhD students from the Utrecht-Nijmegen Programme on Partnerships, UNPOP) discussed business-ngo partnerships, both from the perspective of companies (CSR) and from the perspective of ngo's (activism). We also had the opportunity to engage with Scottish tradition in a whisky tasting at the Corinthian Club - for those interested, among the rich and rounded Singleton, the delicate and floral Glenkinchie, the full bodied Talisker and the fruity and spicy Dalwhinnie, the latter got the majority vote!

Thursday, 2 June 2011

MOPAN 2011 Glasgow - Programme highlights

Conference theme: "Interventions in collaboration systems"

Keynote speech on “Working with the psychodynamics of inter-organizational collaboration” by Prof. Sandra Schruijer of Utrecht University School of Governance

· Workshop on “Theoretical resources: ancient, modern and post-modern” by Prof. Steve Cropper, Keele University School of Public Policy and Professional Practice

· Guest speaker Prof. Nic Beech, University of St. Andrews School of Management

· Conference dinner at The Corinthian Club preceded by a whisky tasting for a flavour of Scotland

· Papers covering a range of industries, sectors and topics including Pharmaceutical Alliances, Oxfam, Leadership and CRS with authors from UK, Europe, Scandinavia and the US

· Developmental paper session at which early stage work in progress or PhD work could be presented. This would not involve writing a full paper for the June 16th deadline but rather giving a presentation to start the discussion and possibly bringing a short paper (which would not appear on the conference CD) to give out on the day. If you have any work you might like to present at this session please send a summary or short abstract by Tuesday June 7th.

For fees and accommodation details see registration

For further information, please contact or see the web page

Wednesday, 9 March 2011

MOPAN 2011 Call for papers

Pam Hearne at Strathclyde University (Glasgow) has been taking care of the arrangements for MOPAN 2011. The website is up at and a call for papers is waiting for your abstracts.

The theme of this year's conference is "Interventions in collaboration systems"

From the website:

"This year the conference will be held in the University of Strathclyde Business School building at 199 Cathedral Street in Glasgow. An early bird discount on bookings is available for any made prior to May 1st. See Registration.

April 8th is the deadline for abstracts. See Call for Papers.

For fees and accommodation details see registration

For further information, please contact"